Eternal Defenders #1 extras

Welcome to the ‘extras’ page for book one.

I’ll be expanding this section over time with behind the scenes stories, deleted scenes, and other possible extra stuff (sketches or drawings are possible).

So far, I plan to post some overview of the early drafts and how the story changed, as well as show several scenes that were cut from the final version despite being considered a part of the story.

Deleted scenes

The following scenes did not make it into the final book but are still, in some way, considered a part of the story’s timeline.

Coming soon.

  • Soulbinding Bolt
  • Tyr’eshal’s ‘graduation’
  • Warning Captain San’druis
  • Random cut dialogue

Deleted concepts

This section will not contain fully-written scenes. For each point, I want to share something about parts of story I cut or discarded for various reasons. Some were discarded completely and are no longer canon, some were changed to happen off-screen in a different way than I originally intended.

Coming soon.

  • The first take on the first chapters
  • Tyr’eshal, the gladiator
  • Setting up the wards
  • Westhaven
  • First journey to Misty Pass